Practical information
School hours
The school is open from 7:50am to 4pm Monday to Thursday, and closes at 2:30pm on Fridays
School phone number: 4117848
School email address:
Absence notifications
Report illnesses by phone or through Mentor. Students must complete forms for leave requests longer than two days.
Indoor physical education classes are held year-round, except in August and May.
For 1st grade, wear light, comfortable clothes suitable for movement. Use shoes, grip socks, or go barefoot in gym class (no regular socks due to safety concerns).
For 2nd-3rd grade, bring gym clothes in a separate bag and change in the locker room. For instance, t-shirt and shorts. Use shoes, grip socks, or go barefoot in gym class (no regular socks due to safety concerns).
For 4th-10th grade, bring gym clothes and indoor sports shoes in a separate bag and change in the locker room.
Wear swimwear suitable for lessons. Swimwear must allow for unrestricted movement during exercises. Bring goggles if desired.
Student absences
Report same-day absences for gym or swimming
through Mentor or the school office.
Provide a medical certificate to the office for absences of two weeks or longer.
Medical certificates are valid only for the specified period. They cannot be applied retroactively.
Phone use
Mobile phones, gaming devices, and similar equipment. Phones must be turned off during class. Photography is allowed only with teacher permission. Phones and cameras are strictly forbidden in locker rooms at swimming pools or sports facilities. This is considered a third-degree behavioral violation.
Students in grades 1-6 may not use mobile phones during school hours. If brought to school, phones must be turned off and kept in schoolbags.
Students in grades 7-10 may use mobile phones and other smart devices during free time (such as recess) but not during class without teacher permission.
Penalties apply if a student uses a mobile phone or smart device in class without teacher permission or causes disruption with the device (e.g., phone ringing, receiving messages).